An Abundance of Katherines -John Green

An Abundance of Katherines is a young adult novel, released in 2006 by John Green. The book revolves around the "love-life" of a child prodigy, Colin Singleton, who loves languages, anagramming and code breaking.
Colin has a very specific type when it comes to the opposite gender: he dates only girls named Katherine. And till date, he has been dumped by 19 Katherines. We follow Colin as he goes on an unplanned road trip along with his best friend Hassan. A road trip is a total solution for Colin because he finds himself changing as a person with the change in surroundings and situations.                      
Colin and Hassan go for various adventures including feral hog hunting, that lead to introspection and a new-found courage.
The most interesting part of the book is The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability. Colin tries to come up with a theorem which could serve as a basis to predict the end of relationships. Lindsey, fascinated by graphs, helps Colin come to a conclusion and shape up his theorem. But in the end he realises something totally unexpected.
The story contains many footnotes and mathematical graphs to achieve clarity and precision which could prove to be a nightmare for people who do not like math! (it gets better)
Adventures, realizations, hidden messages and ultimately the truth makes this book an exhilarating, humorous and a quirky experience for readers. 


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