Beautiful World Where Are You- Sally Rooney

Beautiful World Where are You is Sally Rooney's latest brainchild. The contemporary novel revolves around the complexity of relationships just like her previous works, Normal People and Conversations with Friends. You essentially know the sight of a good book when it's aggressively tagged and highlighted, and with this one, I went as far as making notes because Rooney really hits you in the gut with her observations in this book. 
The book revolves around the lives of four people, Alice, Eileen, Felix, and Simon who want to experience life to the fullest yet, like most people it soon turns into a hazy bundle of the mess that you endlessly start despising. Alice a novelist, is an eccentric woman who suffered a mental breakdown due to the newfound fame of a celebrity novelist and now lives alone in a huge rectory in Dublin. Her best friend, Eileen, often lonesome, is an excellently witty and intelligent female who works at an extremely low-paying literary agency. Unlike the usual best friend relationships, these soon-to-be 30 females talk only via emails that range drastically from topics like worrying about childbirth to the destruction of the world. 
Rooney through this book, has in my view, completely outdone herself. My personal favorite, Alice, is probably a source for Rooney to let out her thoughts and ranting obsessions that she might have as a writer about the literary world and her own newfound fame as a writer. The best part about the book is the alternative chapters that consist of intellectually stimulating conversations (and sometimes even the most ridiculous things I've read in a book) that consist of extremely relatable yet random, and intensely moving opinions one usually only thinks about at night. The daily tribulations of life and the overtly emotional rants of the characters add to the complexity of the relationships, old or new. 
Rooney describes love- as unfiltered, raw, and scary. She enthralls the reader through her remarkable ability to precisely capture and portray the lives of normal people who like everybody else are stuck in the circle of life that consists of emotional rollercoasters, professional power plays, and miscommunications. 



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